MyHealth Champions, LLC dba MyHealth Champions Marketplace Insurance Solutions ("MyHealth") recognizes that its relationship with its many clients is based on  trust. The information our members provide to us frequently contains private information and therefore we provide a high standard of safekeeping and restricted use.

Privacy Policy

MyHealth Champions, LLC (MyHealth) understands that protecting your personal information is important to you. As such, we have established this Privacy Policy so that you can understand what information we collect and how we use it. As a visitor, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted in this statement.


MyHealth takes every precaution to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the Web site, your information is protected. When you enter sensitive information, such as a credit card number, the information is encrypted with industry standard encryption software—SSL. 

MyHealth collects information about you to help perform its primary function and to maintain its website. The primary source of this information is in various insurance applications and your communications with us, and normally includes your name, business name, address, phone number, and email address. We also may have information about you that you have authorized third parties to provide.

We do not share, sell, trade, or rent the information of or about our current or former clients. While clients and other users do not have to provide personal information to visit the MyHealth website, we do collect information voluntarily given for things such as completing online forms or portal access. Such information is protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy and will be kept only for the time of your participation in our insurance products. Regarding portal access, please keep your passwords confidential.


Information Collection and use


Cookies are small files stored on your computer, phone, or other digital devices containing information collected by your use. There are other such tracking technologies at play based on your use. While they are generally used to provide better and customized services; you can accept or decline these tracking technologies. You can set your browsers to automatically decline all cookies or to indicate when a cookie or tracking technology is attempting to attach to your device. You can also simply delete them.

The MyHealth website contains links to its affiliates' and corporate partners' websites that we think may be of interest to you. You are responsible for knowing and understanding these site's terms and privacy policies as our Privacy Policy does not apply to them.

Our site includes certain social media plug-ins; such as Facebook or Twitter. Such social media plug-ins may be able to collect information about you from your use and may set tracking technology on your device.  Our Privacy Policy does not apply to them but are instead governed by the plug-in provider.



There is always a risk that un-encrypted email will be viewed by third parties without yours or our permission or knowledge. If you use email for confidential information, you do so at your own risk, as MyHealth is not responsible for the security of email.